Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Playdate at the Park

A couple of weeks ago, Joey and I went to meet some other Moms and babies at the park in Newport. It was really nice to sit and chat about mommy things. Two of the babies are Joseph's age, the other two a bit older. One of the moms (Samm) was nice enough to take some pictures of the babies, individually and as a group.

Here are Joey's new friends, all lined up.

And here's a great picture of Joey doing his share of the "playing".


Anonymous said...

That picture of Jaeby made me squee my pants. Too. Cute. He looks like a little flirt :)

melissa said...

I LOVE that picture of Jaeby!! So freaking precious!

james and michele said...

adorable! i love how he's just chillin' taking it all in. so cute!