Dear Baby Joey,
A week ago tonight, we were getting ready to spend our first night in the hospital with you. We didn't yet know your funny little personality or that you have distinct cries for your different needs. In the last week, we have learned that you don't tolerate milk well, that you love to be swaddled when you sleep, and that you are constantly interested in knowing what is going on around you. We also discovered that, despite the many expensive bottles (BPA-free, so Aunt Dani doesn't yell at us) we bought you, you prefer the old school Gerber kind with the recylced hospital nipples. Watching you sleep has become our favorite past time and we are thankful that you are such a good sleeper. Everyone who meets you tells us you're perfect and we couldn't agree more. We are looking forward to watching you grow and change, but the tiny person you are today will forever hold a special place in our hearts.
With love always,
Mommy and Daddy
So sweet.
Awww...this is so cute. It's amazing how life can change so quickly.
This is so sweet!
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