Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I'm sitting on my couch this morning watching coverage of Inauguration Day and I'm crying. Anyone who knows me well knows that I'm not really a crier, but I don't think these are the last tears I will cry today. I was so proud of us, as a country, when we elected Barack Obama president. I love that people have so much hope for where he will take us.

I am holding my sleeping baby in my arms as I type this (super talented, I know) and talking to him about what a different world he's going to grow up in than the one his grandparents grew up in. They were born in a time where segregation was still legal and accepted in this country; Joseph was born less than two weeks after we elected our first black president.

I'm so excited to see what this new era will bring. I don't have any illusions that anything is going to change overnight, but the important thing is that people once again believe that things can be different. And you know what they say about the power of positive thinking . . .


Dani said...

I was so sad I could not watch the inauguration today. This was the first time I was actually excited to see it, but my students would not have sat for it. I did have two students discussing Obama today though. Way cute!

Heather said...

I hear ya Jess, yesterday bought so many tears to my eyes too, it was amazing.

I just got goosebumps thinking of you watching it with Jaeby and thinking of his future... so sweet.